Trade shows

Trade shows

We are looking forward to supporting all our partners internationally if they plan to attend trade shows or exhibitions with their own stand presenting Osmium.

In this case we are providing:

1)     Osmium in commission for the exhibition

2)     Contacts to partners who manufacture Osmium jewellery and can provide it

3)     Free implementation of all the graphics (flyer, posters etc.) for your exhibition stand

4)     Referents, if time and place will allow it

5)     Videos and short movies for monitors.

 Please use our normal contact form to ask any questions about exhibitions or call our hotline +49 (89) 7 44 88 88 - 88




Please complete all required fields required field in the form.


Osmium-Institut zur Inverkehrbringung und Zertifizierung von Osmium GmbH

Kemmelallee 6
82418 Murnau am Staffelsee

Phone: +49 89 7 44 88 88 11

© 2025
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Trade shows